Empowering leaders to live life on purpose.

Empowering leaders to live life on purpose.

Blue balloon

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus an amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam c tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odiomi. non mauris vit ae erat consequat auctor eu ine amet mau auctor a ornare odio.

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Werkstatt is an urban bar & nightclub located in Refshaleøen, Copenhagen.

Where to find us
Opening hours

October 24th: Closed
October 25th:  Closed
October 26th:  17.15-21.00
October 27th:  17.15-21.00
October 28th:  17.15-22.00
October 29th:  12.00-03.00
October 30th:  12.00-21.00
October 31st:  16.15-21.00